Firstly, I believe I speak on behalf of the other users on this list
when I tell you that I do NOT need a secondary copy of your email posted
on this mailing list with a different subject, I am quite capable of
reading the first one.
Finally, I would suggest looking into the htmlspecialchars($str)
function or as the previous poster pointed out, check out the manuals in
relation to string/HTML escaping routines.
Next, just as I look over that snippet I spot a little anamoly, or is it
just me?
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `table` WHERE `id` ='3' ");
is placed AFTER you have set the previous record that used to hold 2 in
its 'id' field to 3.
Therefore are you not deleting two records here? I would assume so.. You
are deleting the oldest one, and also the second oldest.
I would recommend placing the deletetion statement BEFORE you change the
2nd oldest record to the 3rd. :-)
Order of operations is critical here.
---oOo--- Allowing users to execute CGI scripts in any directory should
only be considered if: ... a.. You have no users, and nobody ever visits
your server. ... Extracted Quote: Security Tips - Apache HTTP
Server ---oOo--- ------oOo---------------oOo------ Julien Bonastre
[The_RadiX] The-Spectrum Network CEO ABN: 64 235 749 494
julien@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ------oOo---------------oOo------
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stut" <stuttle@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Andrew Darrow" <vrspectre@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2006 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: apostrophes everywhere
Andrew Darrow wrote:
Everything get's run except for the INSERT INTO if there is an
apostrophe in
the value $blog. If I replace the apostrophe with ' it works
On my server I'm running PHP 4.4 and mySQL 4.1.16. I design there and
publish elsewere. On my server everything works fine all the time,
but on
the production server I'm running PHP 4.3.11 and MySQL 4.1.12 that's
i'm having problems with the apostrophe.
RTFM: and
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