RE: screen resolution!

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As the other poster mentioned you need JS to detect the screen width....the 
usual approach is to use js to detect the screen res and the include the 
appropriate CSS file to match the screen res.

From: JeRRy <jusa_98@xxxxxxxxx>
To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:  screen resolution!
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2006 02:44:19 +1100 (EST)


I have written a website in PHP using MYSQL. But I have come accross an un-common problem. Normally when I create a website it's done on a desktop PC. But this time for the first time I did it on laptop meaning the screen resolution is different.
  Is there any sort of script/code I can use to create another section of 
my site in a desired screen resolution without me having to do it all 
  I know of many scripts online that I can DETERMINE visitors screen 
resolutions and recommend the correct one but don't know one that will 
adjust the website to suit that visitors screen resolution.  Am aware of 
scripts that redirect to another web page but that requires you to write 
the website again to cater for that.
  Is there a quicker way/solution?


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