I would suspect that the user (apache as nobody usually) does not have
permissions to run the bash script...try looking at the permissions to
malign them...
From: "Murat Beyhan" <beyhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: how can I execute bash file by using exec or system
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 15:11:24 +0200
I try to execute bash script file by using following script
this test.sh file includes the Global Mapping Tools script and
create map.ps file taht is the epicenter distribution file of the
I have obtain epicenters.csv file by using PHP-MYSQL relation
$query = "SELECT Date , Time , Mag , Lat , Lon , Depth INTO OUTFILE
'$filename' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' FROM list WHERE Mag >0";
than after I try to draw epicenter distribution map by using
test.sh file.All this can easily run on the console but by using php
I could not execute test.sh file. I also use
But also this could not run bash file.
Are there any people to solve my problem.
Thanks all.
XamimeLT - installed on mailserver for domain @deprem.gov.tr
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