Couple of things you can do: 1. Drop the song ID and only get the artist information "SELECT distinct(Artist) from songtable". It doesn't look like your SELECT statement needs a song, but you include the song ID as $id anyway. Any reason for that or can you drop it so you only get artist? 2. Pre-parse the results of your current query so you only get one artist and/or compile a list of song ID's while you're at it. Instead of doing your <option> in the database query result WHILE statement, do it outside: while (results) { $artistinfo[$artist][] = $id; } Then: echo "<select name='blah'>"; foreach ($artistinfo as $artist => $songsarr) { echo "<optgroup label='$artist'>"; foreach ($songsarr as $songid) { echo "<option value='$id'>$id or whatever</option>"; } echo "</optgroup>"; } echo "</select>"; 3. Use a different DB structure. I prefer this structure myself: Table ARTISTS: ArtistID ArtistName OtherArtistInfo Table SONGS: SongID ArtistID OtherSongInfo Or, instead of having ArtistID, if more than one artist may be linked to a song, you can do: Table xrefArtistsSongs: ArtistID SongID Not sure why you'd want to do that for a song unless you're counting covers of songs and want all artists who've covered it to point to the same SongID data. This way you can: SELECT * from ARTISTS for your ARTISTS <select> box Then once an artist is selected, do a: SELECT * from SONGS where ARTISTID = $artistid Just some ideas. Forgive the pseudo-code and mixed capitalizations.. I think you get the idea I'm trying to convey. -TG = = = Original message = = = I have table and insert data using song_id, that means one artist can have many song_ids. my question is how can I query distinct artist with his/her song_id while I will not get duplicate data like duplicate artist? my code is like this $content .="<form id=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"\"> <select name=\"Quick\" onchange=\"MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)\"> <option value=\"#\">Select Artist</option>"; $result= $db->sql_query("SELECT distinct(artist), id FROM ".$prefix."_lyrics order by artist asc"); if ($db->sql_numrows($result)) while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) extract($row); $content .="<option value='modules.php ?name=$module_name&file=artist&c_id=$id'>$artist</option>"; $content .="</select> </form>"; that code is fine except it gives me duplicate artist, so I want get rid off that duplicate. any help ___________________________________________________________ Sent by ePrompter, the premier email notification software. Free download at -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: