I'm using PHP 4.4.1 and pulling out records from a SQL Server database.
I use the mssql extension in PHP to connect to SQL Server. My website
works fine for the most part but I have noticed something odd with the
dates returned from SQL Server.
In my SQL Server table I have many datetime fields. For example I can
clearly see (using Enterprise Manager) the field "fldDateCreated"
contains the datetime "06/12/2005 16:20:35" but oddly when I extract
this field into a PHP variable the variable contains this: "Dec 6 2005
Annoyingly I lose the seconds and I need the entire date and time. Can
anyone explain why the datetime is getting "converted"? What is doing
it (presumably PHP) and how can I get it to stop?
FYI: I use "mssql_pconnect()" to connect to the SQL Server database and
"mssql_fetch_assoc()" to extract each row.
Thanks for any help offered!
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