you might want to create a table called perms and have each row contain a user id and a perm for each the way i have mine setup is a bit more complex but fully configurable. Here's how i would set it up user_permissions - user_id - action - value user_actions - id - title users - id - username - passwd then to get the permissions i would use a user object maybe something like this class user { var $_id; var $_permissions; function user() { $this->loadPermissions(); } function hasPermission($val) { $perm = $this->getPermission($val); if(isset($perm) && $perm == 1) return true; else return false } function loadPermissions() { global $db; $res = $db->Query("SELECT user_permissions.value, user_actions.title value FROM user_permissions INNER JOIN user_actions ON" $data = $db->fetchAll($res); return $data } } Understand that this code will not work out of the box and no security measures were implemented, i did this just to show an example ;) In my system i have user permissions and group permissions, i load the group permissions then override with the user permissions. -- Joseph Crawford Jr. Zend Certified Engineer Codebowl Solutions, Inc. 1-802-671-2021 codebowl@xxxxxxxxx