RE: mssql_query returns a boolean false instead an empty recordset whenthe query doesn't match any record

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According to the php docs, the mssql call should return 'TRUE' on empty recordset. Are you sure there is no problem with the query?

From: "Pablo F. Díaz Anzalone"<pablo.anzalone@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: mssql_query returns a boolean false instead an empty recordset whenthe query doesn't match any record
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 18:54:51 +0100

Hi all,

Maybe I didn't explain myself quite wel, so I wil repeat the queestion in other words.
I would like to know which is the correct answer I should obtain from 
mssql_query. I have a server in which mssql_query is returning a false 
boolean when it should return an empty recordset (as is doing in the other 
In other words, the question is why I have a server in which mssql_query 
returns empty recordsets when the query doesn't match any record and I have 
installed a new one in which instead of an empty recordset I get a boolean 
valued to false.
Which one is ok and what can be the problem with the other.

I know I can test in each query if result is false or a resource but I have more than a hundred queries and I would like to have the knew server with the same behavour as the previous one, which it is also how I think that it should work.
I'm sorry for the repetition of the topic, but I'm very interested in 
having a better solution than putting if's in each query.
Thank you.


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