Hello Everyone, I have some code that is using COM to interact with MS Word to create a mail merge based on my mysql database, however it is running dreadfully slow 13.53846 seconds to be exact. This is only running on 34 records, i could imagine running this on a few hundred records not to mention thousand. Is COM usually this slow? These load times i believe to be accurate as they come from zend studio's profiler. You can see screenshots of the profile @ http://codebowl.dontexist.net/bugs/MailMerge/ Below you will see my code, anything you guys see that i could do to speed this up quite a bit i would appreciate it. It seems the naughty methods are CreateHeader, CreateDataSource, CreateDocument. CODE ===================================================== <?php class MailMerge { private $mm_data_dir; private $obj; private $fieldcnt; private $rowcnt; private $letter_template; private $envelope_template; public function __construct($list = null, $letter = 'Has_Site', $envelope = 'Envelope', $data_dir = 'data/mailmerge') { if(!is_array($list)) throw new Exception('Cannot Create A Mail Merge With An Empty List.'); $this->mm_data_dir = 'F:/htdocs/csaf/'.$data_dir; $this->list = $list; $this->letter_template = $letter; $this->envelope_template = $envelope; $this->initilize(); $this->CreateHeaderFile(); $this->CreateDataSource(); $this->CreateDocument($this->letter_template); $this->CreateDocument($this->envelope_template); } public function __destruct() { unlink($this->mm_data_dir.'/ds.doc'); unlink($this->mm_data_dir.'/header.doc'); } private function initilize() { $this->rowcnt = count($this->list); $this->fieldcnt = count($this->list[0]); } private function Close() { $this->obj->Documents->Close(); } private function Quit() { $this->obj->Quit(); } private function Release() { $this->obj = NULL; } private function CreateHeaderFile() { $this->obj = new COM("word.application") or die('Couldnt load Word!'); if(!is_object($this->obj)) throw new Exception('Unable to instanciate Word!'); $this->obj->Documents->Add(); $this->obj->ActiveDocument->Tables->Add($this->obj->Selection->Range,1,$this->fieldcnt); for($i = 0; $i <= $this->rowcnt; $i++) { foreach($this->list[$i] as $key => $value) { $this->obj->Selection->TypeText($key); $this->obj->Selection->MoveRight(); } } $this->obj->ActiveDocument->SaveAs($this->mm_data_dir.'/header.doc'); $this->Close(); $this->Quit(); $this->Release(); } private function CreateDataSource() { $this->obj = new COM("word.application"); if(!is_object($this->obj)) throw new Exception('Unable to instanciate Word!'); $this->obj->Documents->Add(); $this->obj->ActiveDocument->Tables->Add($this->obj->Selection->Range,$this->rowcnt,$this->fieldcnt); for($i = 0; $i <= $this->rowcnt; $i++) { foreach($this->list[$i] as $key => $value) { $this->obj->Selection->TypeText($value); $this->obj->Selection->MoveRight(); } } $this->obj->ActiveDocument->SaveAs($this->mm_data_dir.'/ds.doc'); $this->Close(); $this->Quit(); $this->Release(); } private function CreateDocument($template) { $this->obj = new COM("word.application"); if(!is_object($this->obj)) throw new Exception('Unable to instanciate Word!'); $this->obj->Documents->Open($this->mm_data_dir.'/'.$template.'.dot'); $this->obj->ActiveDocument->MailMerge->OpenHeaderSource($this->mm_data_dir.'/header.doc'); $this->obj->ActiveDocument->MailMerge->OpenDataSource($this->mm_data_dir.'/ds.doc'); $this->obj->ActiveDocument->MailMerge->Execute(); $this->obj->ActiveDocument->SaveAs($this->mm_data_dir.'/'.$template.'.doc'); $this->Close(); $this->Quit(); $this->Release(); } } ?> <codebowl@xxxxxxxxx> -- Joseph Crawford Jr. Codebowl Solutions, Inc. 1-802-671-2021 codebowl@xxxxxxxxx