As far as I know the "Unknown error" related to the mail function
indicates that PHP could not connect to the SMTP server specified in
You could load phpinfo(); and check to see what php.ini file you are
using. Then check that for the SMTP setting.
FYI: doing a google search on 'PHP mail "Unknown Error"' got me multiple
hits that would at least suggest checking your configuration.
Daryl Booth wrote:
I'm trying to set up a simple mail form but the following code:
gives me the error:
Warning: Unknown error in C:\FoxServ\www\Dad\contactform.php on line 87
Line 87 is the mail function line all of the variables are spelt right
empfaenger=recipient and betreff=subject.
According to <> the syntax is
correct what am I doing wrong?
Php version is 4.2.2
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