I could be 100% wrong on this, but I do not think that a command line
statement can be executed through mysql_query() - try exec().
If I remember correctly mysql load data infile ... is not executed from
within mysql, but at the command line.
(Hint: look at the source for phpMyAdmin and copy how it is done.)
Regards - Miles
At 08:30 AM 8/18/2005, select.now wrote:
Helo everyone !
I find this problem and I think I am close to the solution but ...
The question: I need to import a few thousand of record storee in a *.csv
file on my local harddisk, with my php application, managing my mysql engine.
So, in command line, all works fine, all records are correctly imported.
---------------- <command line code> -------------------------
>mysql load data infile 'c:\\datastream\\import\import
->into table iport
-> fields terminated by ';'
-> ignore 9 lines;
----------------- </command line code> ------------------------
But in my php app, because I am confuse a bit (use of ['], ["] and the
definition of variables in mysql_query), I don't make this import.
------------------ <php code> -------------------
$a = 'c:\\\datastream\\\import\\\import';
$extra_arg = 'fields terminated by \';\' ignore 9 lines;';
$query = 'load data infile \''.$a.'\' into table import '.$extra_arg.'';
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die_mysql ("<br>Executia comenzii
<i>$query</i> a esuat.<br>");
------------------ </php code> ----------------------
I get this output-error:
load data infile 'c:\\datastream\\import\\import' into table import
fields terminated by ';' ignore 9 lines;
and the import doesn't occured.
Where is located my mistake ?
Thanks in advance.
cu respect, select.now@xxxxxxxxx
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