And I've forgot to mention the fact that my session_set_cookie_params
(); even if I've supplies a url and a domain, e.g.
$_SESSION['username'] = 'abc123';
session_set_cookie_params (time () + 3600, "/myurl/", "");
And with session_get_cookie_params (); I don't even get any values as
for for lifetime, url and host.
Regards and thank again.
Shahmat Dahlan wrote:
In my php.ini
I've enabled session.use_cookies=1
Everytime I initialize a session, it create the session storage file
in my /tmp
At the top my script, I've added session_start ();
In my test login function, this was what I did:
$_SESSION['username'] = 'abcdef';
session_set_cookie_params (time () + 3600);
Whereas, in my logout function:
unset ($_SESSION['username']);
setcookie ('PHPSESSID', '', time () -1);
Everytime I load this page, this is what it does:
echo "<p>{$_SESSION['username']}";
Everytime load this page a session id is generated, which means, a
session file name sess_<current session_id> is created, and my session
variable $_SESSION['username'] get stored in there.
Now, everytime I perform a logout, it creates a sess_<session id> file
under /tmp, and when I perform a login again, it creates yet another
sess_<session id>.
I'm not exactly sure why does it do this.
My intention is actually, to use register a session variable to denote
login status, and session_set_cookie_params (); to set the expiry date
for the cookie for my session.
And every the page loads, to use session_get_cookie_params (); to
check whether the cookie has expired, if it has, force for a new login
(via redirect or link), if it hasn't expired, display the appropriate
"authenticated" page content.
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