Its gonna be a curve....its a more complex beast to manage than MySQL and
there are llimitations such as:
Can't edit text fields with GUI tools
No regex in sql statements
DateTime handling differences
No simple paging based on LIMIT, $offset, $DisplayRecords
Personally its not my favorite to work with, I prefer mysql or oracle
From: Joseph <php.db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "php.db" <php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Learning curve mysql-->mssql
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 14:35:50 -0400
Does anyone have an idea what the learning curve is going from using
php/mysql-->php/mssql? I am applying for a position which uses MS SQL
Servers for a DB and ASP.NET (god forbid) for a front end and my only
experience is WAMP. While I can convert over to php from ASP.NET, I am
stuck with mssql. Anyone had any serious problems learning to use the two?
--thanks -u jzf
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