4 does not come with the mysqli extension. You would need to download it
(seprately or as part of the php5 module) and then move the extension
aapropriate folder...
From: Andre Matos <andre.matos@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'PHP-mailist (PHP-mailist)'" <php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: MySQL 4.1 and PHP4
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 11:56:32 -0400
It is possible to use mysqli_connect and the others mysqli functions in
PHP4? I have downloaded the PHP4 and compiled using these parameters on my
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php4compiled
But when I try to use mysqli_connect it get an error saying that:
cannot load mysqli extension
Is there something wrong on the parameters to compile PHP4 using mysqli
or because PHP4 does not accept mysqli lib, or because I am doing something
else wrong?
Does anyone have any idea to help me? Thanks in advance for any help!!!
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