From: JeRRy <jusa_98@xxxxxxxxx>
To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: . Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005
14:55:46 +1000 (EST)
Is there a way to "spoof" away php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx who continues to send a
virus via this mailing list. Why does this address need privlidges to send
to the list anyway? The sender is using this to make it look like from the
list but we all know it's fake. Well most do, I hope noone got caught out,
because who's liable if they do? The list owners? I hope not but it
points that way.
Or does that email address repressent something else to the list?
I have not seen anyone consider pointing this out, or maybe the list admin
are not about as often as daily.
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