uncomment the mysqli library functions in the ini file and use those
functions instead...
From: "zheng" <zheng.zhu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: "zheng" <zheng.zhu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: help wanted for install php with mysql support on windows
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 18:10:10 +0100
I use Apache1.3,php5.0(they work fine) and mysql 4.1(it also can work
separately) . But when I interact with MySql using php,it says " Fatal
error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() ", I have uncommented
php_mysql.dll inside php.ini and add D:\php to the system variable path,
libmysql.dll is in that path. Is there anything I should do to cope with
this problem? Thank you very much!
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