All, I have a question as how I can return some results that I am looking for. Ideally I'd like to run this sql statement but for some reason MySql won't allow me to run it: SELECT * FROM zip_code WHERE zg_latitude between ((select zg_latitude from zip_code where zg_zipcode = '78730')- 2) and ((select zg_latitude from zip_code where zg_zipcode = '78730') + 2) and zg_longitude between ((select zg_longitude from zip_code where zg_zipcode = '78730') - 2) and ((select zg_longitude from zip_code where zg_zipcode = '78730') + 2) I get an error to check the mysql manual. This statement runs in an oracle environment though. I guess I am stuck with writing multiple queries and them tying them together. In PHP how can I put a variable into the sql statement (if that's possible). Let's say I have these queries: select zg_longitude from zip_code where zg_zipcode = '78730' This one pulls the zg_longitude from the zip_code table where the zip_code is 78730 for instance. I want to take the result (one record) and put it in this sql statment replacing 'result here': select * from zip_code where zg_longitude >= ('result here'-2) and zg_longitude <= ('result here'+2) order by zg_city asc Can anyone help me with this or point me in a better direction? Thanks -Rich