you should first design a proper database before you can make queries...
if you have one, post it so that i can see it..
greetz henk jan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jonathan Trepczyk" <jonathan.trepczyk@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 2:42 PM
Subject: reg expressions- please help!!!!!1
Hello Guys
I need some help,
i am trying to use regular expressions in php to query a Mysql database( obviously flights tables).
the idea is to provide a a search tool for the users to type in flight searchs, eg. when is the next flight from London heathrow to Manchester or how much is a flight from London Gatwick to Manchester. etc
can some help with some ideas or sql queries i can use to query my database and then provide an appropriate answer or response to eaach query
Thank you in davance for your help
-- Jonathan Trepczyk
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