Hello everyone,
I have this form that we use for keeping track of tapes we send off site for storage where I work. The form works almost perfectly with the help of a few people.
We use a scanner to input the tape id's. The scanner automatically puts a carriage return at the end of each tape so they all go on seperate lines.
Anyway the question is this: After the last tape is scanned I end up with a line put into the mysql db that looks like this: (from mysql log file)
243 Query INSERT INTO tape_tracking_test (media_id,retention,out_date,return_date,box_id) values ('','7WK=%s','2005-01-11','2005-3-01','006455C5092800')
If you look closely you'll see the first field is '' Single quotes with nothing in between.
How can I get PHP to ignore that line that has empty data in the media_id field? I have checking in place to not allow empty fields but PHP/mysql think that last carriage return is not empty.
I don't want to tell users they have to backspace at the end of the last tape (which fixes the problem)
I hope I'm explaining this properly. If not I'm sure you guys will let me know :)
Here is the script:
Above here is javascript for a calendar
//--> </script>
<Body> <body onLoad="showCalendar('now')">
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Handle the form.
$message = NULL; // Create an empty new variable.
// Check for MediaID. if (strlen($_POST['MediaID']) > 0) { $MediaID = TRUE; } else { $MediaID = FALSE; $message .= '<p>You forgot to enter a Media ID!</p>'; }
// Set the page title and include the HTML header. $page_title = 'submit!';
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <fieldset><legend>Enter the Tape information into the form below:</legend>
<p><b>Retention:</b><br> <Select name="Retention"> <option value="4WK">4 Weeks</option> <option value="7WK">7 Weeks</option> <option value="1YR">1 Year</option> <option value="2YR">2 Years</option> </select></p>
<p><b>Out Date:
</b><br> <input type="text" name="OutDate" size="20" maxlength="40" value="<?php print date("Y-m-d"); ?>" /></p>
<p><b>Return Date:</b>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">doRCCalendar()</script>
<p><b>Box ID:</b><br> <input type="text" name="BoxID" size="20" maxlength="40" value="<?php if (!empty($_POST['BoxID'])) echo $_POST['BoxID']; ?>" /></p>
<p><b>Media ID:</b><br> <textarea name="MediaID" rows="6" cols="24"> <?php if (!empty($_POST['MediaID'])) echo $_POST['MediaID']; ?>
<form name="submit" action="">
<div align="center"><input type="submit" name="date" value="Submit" /></div>
$delimiter = "\n";
$MediaID_ar = explode($delimiter,$_POST['MediaID']);
$len_ar['MediaID'] = count($MediaID_ar); $len_ar['Retention'] = strlen($_POST['Retention']); $len_ar['OutDate'] = strlen($_POST['OutDate']); $len_ar['ReturnDate'] = strlen($_POST['calendarDate']); $len_ar['BoxID'] = strlen($_POST['BoxID']);
if(($len_ar['MediaID']) && ($len_ar['OutDate']) && ($len_ar['ReturnDate']) && ($len_ar['BoxID'])) {
define ('DB_USER', 'mysql');
define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'mysql');
define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('DB_NAME', 'tape_track_db');
$dbc = mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db (DB_NAME);
for($i=0; $i < $len_ar['MediaID']; $i++) { $MediaID_ar[$i] = str_replace(array("\r","\n"),"",$MediaID_ar[$i]);
mysql_query ("INSERT INTO tape_tracking_test (media_id,retention,out_date,return_date,box_id) values ('".$MediaID_ar[$i]."','". $_POST['Retention'] ."=%s','". $_POST['OutDate'] ."','". $_POST['calendarDate'] ."','". $_POST['BoxID'] ."')");
echo mysql_error();
mysql_close(); } else {
echo "<font color = Red><p>You have not entered all information for each box.</p></font>";
</form><!-- End of Form --> </body> </html>
Hi Mike
I am not sure of the format of the media id, but can you not use a simple regex so that if mediaID is not of a certain pattern (e.g. all alphanumeric and a certain length), the relevant corrective action is taken?
-- Rory McKinley Nebula Solutions +27 21 555 3227 - office +27 21 551 0676 - fax +27 82 857 2391 - mobile www.nebula.co.za ====================
-- Rory McKinley Nebula Solutions +27 21 555 3227 - office +27 21 551 0676 - fax +27 82 857 2391 - mobile www.nebula.co.za ====================
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