hi you can use the mysql function LAST_INSERT_ID() heres the info from the manual: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/ODBC_and_last_insert_id.html hope that helps eoghan
Nathan Mealey wrote:
Is there a PEAR::DB equivalent to the mysql_insert_id()? I can't figure out how to get the primary key ID from the last insert query, without doing a second query (which seems ridiculous).
On that same note, are the mysql_insert_id() and pg_last_oid() equivalent? I thought they were, but when I used pg_last_oid() I got some crazy number that was definitely not the last primary key ID.
Thanks, Nathan -- Nathan Mealey Director of Operations Cycle-Smart, Inc. P.O. Box 1482 Northampton, MA 01061-1482 nathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (413) 210-7984 (512) 681-7043 Fax
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