Dear group, I am trying to query my db and print the results. when i execute my script, i am not getting any result except a blank page. can any one please help me what is going wrong with my script. Script: $conn = pg_connect("user = $user dbname = $dbname host = $host password = $pass"); if (!$conn) { echo('could not establish connection with database <br>'); exit; } $sql = "select * from experiment;" $sth = pg_exec($connect,$sql) if (! $sth){ die("Can't execute query".pg_errormessage()); } for($i = 0,$j = pg_numrows($sth);$i < $j;$i++){ $ar = pg_fetch_row($sth,$i); foreach($ar as $col){ print "$col "; } print "\n"; } ?> thank you in advance kumar __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: