My problem is I can't seem to find the right place to put an "order by" clause in my statement. I have this select statement: $query_rsVJ = " SELECT Jobs.PostStart, Jobs.JobID,Jobs.JobTitle, Jobs.City, Ind.Categories, VendorSignUp.CompanyName, US.States, Term.Tax FROM Jobs INNER JOIN Ind ON (Jobs.Industry = Ind.CIDs) INNER JOIN US ON (Jobs.State = US.SID) INNER JOIN SignUp ON (Jobs.VID = SignUp.VID) INNER JOIN Term ON (Jobs.Tax = Term.TID)"; But then I also have a dynamic where clause that is based on what values the user has chosen: if(!empty($s_Ind)) $aWHERE[] = "Jobs.Industry IN ($s_Ind)" ; if(!empty($s_State)) $aWHERE[] = "Jobs.State IN ($s_State)"; if(!empty($s_TType)) $aWHERE[] = "Jobs.Term IN ($s_TType)"; if(!empty($JTitle)) $aWHERE[] = "Jobs.Title LIKE '%$JTitle%'"; if(!empty($City)) $aWHERE[] = "Jobs.City LIKE '%$City%'"; if(!empty($Days)) $aWHERE[] = "Jobs.Post >= DATE_SUB(CurDate(), Interval ($Days) DAY)"; When the sql is submitted the results come back (in columns of course) Then the user can click the column head and sort by that column. $orderParam_rsVJ = "City"; if (isset($_GET['order_rsVJ'])) { $orderParam_rsVJ = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['order_rsVJ'] : addslashes($_GET['order_rsVJ']); } I just have had no luck putting in order by "$orderParam_rsVJ in the current statement (above). If I put it in the select statement , the it's out of place with the where clause. If I put it at the end of the where clause, obviously it is not seen. Any ideas how I can set this up correctly ? Stuart -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: