Hello all, I have the following code and here is my goal: I have an array and right now, as the code stands, I have one column of data on a page. I want it to have 2 colums of data on a page. I have tried this and it just returns blank so I am asking for some help. Thank you in advance and I will be here for any questions you have. Thanks Again, Jacob $total_count = 0; $display_count = 0; //Do for each item foreach ($item as $sched) { /* $total_count++; $sched[] = array( 'teama' => $item[teama], 'teamb' => $item[teamb], 'scorea' => $item[scorea], 'scoreb' => $item[scoreb]); } while ($total_count < $display_count) { if ($display_count != "0") next($sched);*/ //Start the Row $output->TableRowStart(); // Get the team name given its ID $tma = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid' => $sched[teama])); $tmb = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid' => $sched[teamb])); $col1 = $vars['color1']; // Home is the first team or the second? $rev = $vars['reversed']; if ($rev == 1) { $loc = $tmb[city]; $field = $tmb[paddress]; } else { $loc = $tma[city]; $field = $tma[paddress]; } if ($sched[scorea] == "-1") { $sched[scorea] = "NA"; } if ($sched[scoreb] == "-1") { $sched[scoreb] = "NA"; } $output->Text("<td>"); $output->Text("<table width='200'>"); $output->Text("<tr>"); $output->Text("<td>"); $output->Text("<div align=\"left\"><font size=1> ".$tma[team]." ($sched[scorea])</font></div"); $output->Text("</td>"); $output->Text("<td bgcolor='$col1' width='100'>"); $output->Text("<font color=#0000FF size='1'></font>"); $output->Text("</td>"); $output->Text("</tr>"); $output->Text("<tr>"); $output->Text("<td>"); $output->Text("<div align=\"left\"><font size=1> ".$tmb[team]." ($sched[scoreb])</font></div>"); $output->Text("</td>"); $output->Text("<td bgcolor='$col1' width='100'>"); $output->Text("<font color=#0000FF size='1'><div align=\"right\"><a title='$field'>$loc</a></div</font>"); $output->Text("</td>"); $output->Text("</table>"); $output->Text("</td>"); /* $display_count++; next($sched); while($total_count < $display_count) { // Get the team name given its ID $tma = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid' => $sched['teama'])); $tmb = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid' => $sched['teamb'])); //Get the COlors $col1 = $vars['color1']; // Home is the first team or the second? $rev = $vars['reversed']; if ($rev == 1) { $loc = $tmb[city]; $field = $tmb[paddress]; } else { $loc = $tma[city]; $field = $tma[paddress]; } if ($sched[scorea] == "-1") { $sched[scorea] = "NA"; } if ($sched[scoreb] == "-1") { $sched[scoreb] = "NA"; } $output->Text("<td>"); $output->Text("<table>"); $output->TableRowStart(); $output->TableColStart(1,left); $output->Text("<font size=1> ".$tma[team]." ($sched[scorea])</font>"); $output->TableColEnd(); $output->Text("<td bgcolor='$col1' align='center' valign='middle' width='80'>"); $output->Text("<font color=#0000FF size='1'></font>"); $output->TableColEnd(); $output->TableRowEnd(); $output->TableRowStart(); $output->TableColStart(1,left); $output->Text("<font size=1> ".$tmb[team]." ($sched[scoreb])</font>"); $output->TableColEnd(); $output->Text("<td bgcolor='$col1' align='center' valign='middle' width='80'>"); $output->Text("<font color=#0000FF size='1'><a title='$field'>$loc</a></font>"); $output->TableColEnd(); $output->Text("</table>"); $output->Text("</td>"); $display_count++; }*/ //End the Row $output->TableRowEnd();