You aren't actually outputting the $_SESSION['mailtxt'] var.. Try using echo ;-) / oscar -----Original Message----- From: H. J. Wils [mailto:double_u1@xxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: den 3 december 2004 23:09 To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: POST problem, extended simplified, my code is as follows: ---------------------------------------------------- document -------------------------------------- <?php $_SESSION['mailtxt'] = $_POST['Body']; ?> <form> <textarea name='body'><?php $_SESSION['mailtxt'] ?></textarea> <input type=submit> </form> recalling: in some way, is de session variable not filled with the POSTed value... ---------------------------------------------------- end document -------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________ MSN Search, for accurate results! -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: