I noticed, that in the newest PHP release there was added udf file for interbase/firebird , that allows to execute php functions from sql. I got interested in it, but after few hours of trying I gave up... I use Firebidr 1.5 default instalation.
I compile udf file as it is written in c file: gcc -shared `php-config --includes` `php-config --ldflags` `php-config --libs` -o php_ibase_udf.so php_ibase_udf.c
...being in ext/interbase directory.
Everything compiled well. File php_ibase_udf.so was created. So I copied it to /opt/firebird/UDF and started isql as SYSDBA with some database file... And I written: DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION CALL_PHP1 CSTRING(100), CSTRING(100) BY DESCRIPTOR, INTEGER BY DESCRIPTOR RETURNS PARAMETER 2 ENTRY_POINT 'udf_call_php1' MODULE_NAME 'php_ibase_udf';
and external function was created... So I try to use this function... SQL> update FAKTURA set numer =CALL_PHP1('ucwords',numer); Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902
Access to UDF library "libphp_ibase_udf.so" is denied by server administrator
So I renamed php_ibase_udf.so to libphp_ibase_udf.so
and tried again...update FAKTURA set numer =CALL_PHP1('ucwords',numer); Statement failed, SQLCODE = -104
invalid request BLR at offset 16 -function CALL_PHP1 is not defined -module name or entrypoint could not be found SQL>
And that's it.... I do not know what to do next... :(
Can You help me?
Another question is how to open transaction for two different connections. I saw in changelog that it is possible in newest version....
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