RE: how to implement "pages" of results

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Oh yeah..   LIMIT 30,2  would show 30 records starting with the second
record.  I knew I was forgetting something.  Sorry for the
misinformation.  Trying to finish some stuff before leaving for the
weekend, but wanted to at least give you a nudge before disappearing.

Good luck!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Norland, Martin [mailto:Martin.Norland@xxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 3:38 PM
> To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE:  how to implement "pages" of results
> Basic example: (handwritten in email client, syntax errors may exist)
> if (!isset($pagenum) || $pagenum < 0) { $pagenum = 0; }
> $range = 30;
> $start = $range*$pagenum;
> $end = $start + $range;
> $limit = " limit $start, $end";
> $query = "select * from $table where host='$somename'$limit";
> Then just pass the pagenum around.  You'll probably want to 
> pull another
> query that just gets the count(), and use that and some basic math to
> make the page range(s) to create hyperlinks.
> Cheers.
> - Martin Norland, Database / Web Developer, International 
> Outreach x3257
> The opinion(s) contained within this email do not necessarily 
> represent
> those of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ragan_davis@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ragan_davis@xxxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 2:20 PM
> To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject:  how to implement "pages" of results
> Hi,
> I'm sure this is a common question, so please forgive if it's been
> posted before.
> I have a select statement that selects records from a table: "select *
> from $table where host='$somename'"
> I then propagate a table with the returned data.  My goal is to only
> display 30 records per "page", with links on each page that take the
> user to the next and previous 30 records.  I have played around with
> using "limit", but this seems to only get me the next 30.  How to
> achieve the previous 30?  It would be easy if the records 
> returned were
> sequentially numbered...but, since I'm being selective in 
> which records
> I return (host=$somename), this is not the case.  The first row may be
> 1, and the second row may be 10, etc.
> Anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?
> Thanks!
> -- 
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