The real problem you're having is the statement says "while there are results in this query, grab them" - once you reach the end of the first while loop, there are no more results, so the second one is skipped right over - it's condition *never* evaluates true. If the query isn't changing, and there aren't other conditions/etc. - then just grab all the data the first time through and put it where it needs to go. $array_stuff = array(); $line = 0; while (mysql_fetch_array($result) as $row1) { // data for first set of operation(s) $crab = $row1["bar"]; // data for second set of operation(s) $array_stuff[$line] = array() $array_stuff[$line]["foo"] = $row1["foo"]; $array_stuff[$line]["bar"] = print $row1["bar"]; $array_stuff[$line]["steak"] = print $row1["steak"]; // increment $line? // $line++; } ... You'll want to be incrementing $line somewhere though, unless you just want to keep overwriting $array_stuff[0] Another solution to this type of problem is to just read all the information into an array, then loop through that when you need it. E.G. $resultset = array(); while (mysql_fetch_array($result) as $row) { $resultset[] = $row; } Then just foreach ($resultset as $row) { // or ($resultset as $rownum => $row) // ... do stuff } Happy hunting. - Martin Norland, Database / Web Developer, International Outreach x3257 The opinion(s) contained within this email do not necessarily represent those of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: