Hi gang
I'm in need of, if at all possible, cutting down the processing time for sending messages to multiple recipients with my insite messenger. The current version runs 1 query to get the names of all recipients, then 1 query per recipient, and then 1 query to deliver a copy to the sender.
The code in question is below. $userID and $username is the current user, and are set by the login system much further up. $_POST['rcvID'] is a multi-select select box where the user can choose which users to send the message to. The rest should be pretty obvious. I use a couple flags on the messages so the system can tell received and sent messages apart in the message boxes.
// add slashes as needed if (! get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $subject = addslashes($_POST['subject']); $message = addslashes($_POST['message']); } else { $subject = $_POST['subject']; $message = $_POST['message']; }
// get names of recipients if (count($_POST['rcvID']) > 1) { $where = "`userID` IN('".implode("','",$_POST['rcvID'])."')"; } else { $where = "`userID`='".$_POST['rcvID'][0]."'"; }
btw. i didnt realized thet 'x = "1"' is faster than 'x IN ("1")' i think you can save this line of code
$where = "`userID` IN ('".implode("','",$_POST['rcvID'])."')";
$rcvquery = "SELECT userID,nickname
FROM hf_users
WHERE $where";
$rcvdata = mysql_query($rcvquery) or die('Unable to get recipient names<br>'.mysql_error());
// send messages
while ($rcv = mysql_fetch_array($rcvdata)) {
$msgquery = "INSERT
INTO hf_privmessages (`ownerID`,`fromID`,`toID`,`from_name`,`to_name`,`priority`,`date`,`subject`,`message`,`folder`)
VALUES ('".$rcv['userID']."','$userID','".$rcv['userID']."','$username','".$rcv['nickname']."','".$_POST['priority']."',NOW(),'$subject','$message','inbox')";
$result = mysql_query($msgquery) or die('Unable to insert message<br>'.mysql_error());
$to_name = $rcv['nickname'];
// create sent copy
if (count($_POST['rcvID']) > 1) {
$toID = implode(',',$_POST['rcvID']);
$to_name = 'multiple';
} else {
$toID = $_POST['rcvID'][0];
$msgquery = "INSERT
INTO hf_privmessages (`ownerID`,`fromID`,`toID`,`from_name`,`to_name`,`is_read`,`is_sent`,`priority`,`date`,`subject`,`message`,`folder`)
VALUES ('$userID','$userID','$toID','$username','$to_name','1','1','".$_POST['priority']."',NOW(),'$subject','$message','sent')";
$result = mysql_query($msgquery) or die('Unable to insert message<br>'.mysql_error());
// send Messages
$sql = '
INSERT INTO `hf_privmessages` (`ownerID`,`fromID`,`toID`,`from_name`,`to_name`,`priority`,`date`,`subject`,`message`,`folder`)
SELECT `userID` AS `ownerID`,
' . (int) $userID . ' AS `fromID`,
`userID` AS `toID`,
"' . $username . '" AS `from_name`,
`nickname` AS `to_name`,
"' . $_POST['priority'] . '" AS `priority`,
NOW() AS `date`,
"' . $subject . '" AS `subject`,
"' . $message . '" AS `message`,
"inbox" AS `folder`
WHERE `userID` IN (' . implode( ', ', $_POST['rcvID'] ) . ')
mysql_query ... ;
// place copy $toID = implode(',',$_POST['rcvID']); if ( count($_POST['rcvID']) > 1 ) { $to_name = 'multiple'; } else { // get recipient name $to_name = 'multiple'; }
$msgquery = "INSERT INTO hf_privmessages (`ownerID`,`fromID`,`toID`,`from_name`,`to_name`,`is_read`,`is_sent`,`priority`,`date`,`subject`,`message`,`folder`)
VALUES ('$userID','$userID','$toID','$username','$to_name','1','1','".$_POST['priority']."',NOW(),'$subject','$message','sent')";
$result = mysql_query($msgquery) or die('Unable to insert message<br>'.mysql_error());
your databes lags normalization!!!
-- Sebastian Mendel
www.sebastianmendel.de www.warzonez.de www.tekkno4u.de www.nofetish.com www.sf.net/projects/phpdatetime www.sf.net/projects/phptimesheet
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