Thanks for the response, Now its fixed, and this is the output for the code: &Id=28&Apellido=sadfsadf&Nombre=asdfsdf&Dni=sadfsdf&Telefono=sadfsadf&Dia=1&Mes=12&Ano=2004&Hora=9&Minutos=50&Abogado=Dra. Claudia I. Gorno&Nombre=asdfsdf&Asunto=asdfsd&Donde=Guia Barrial Palermo&Id=26&Apellido=Sarasa&Nombre=Exequiel&Dni=23453425&Telefono=423452345&Dia=2&Mes=2&Ano=2005&Hora=12&Minutos=30&Abogado=Dra. Claudia I. Gorno&Nombre=Exequiel&Asunto=3452345&Donde=Guia Barrial Palermo&Id=27&Apellido=Zarlanga&Nombre=Washington&Dni=4234235&Telefono=1234234&Dia=10&Mes=2&Ano=2004&Hora=18&Minutos=15&Abogado=Dra. Claudia I. Gorno&Nombre=Washington&Asunto=sadfsdf&Donde=RadioDiez - Sensacion Termica But this is not showing the result as: &Id1=28&Apellido1=whatever..... So im having the same problem i had before? the variables are been overwritten over and over again. What am i doing wrong? --- "Demigod at" <demigod@xxxxxxxx> escribió: > Here's your hint: > The variable you are passing to mysql_num_rows is > undefined. If what > you want is the number of rows returned by > mysql_query, then you need to > pass $result1 to mysql_num_rows instead. Also note > that you again use > the undefined $qr as the argument for > mysql_fetch_array two lines later. > ___________________________________ ¡Llevate a Yahoo! en tu Unifón! Ahora podés usar Yahoo! Messenger en tu Unifón, en cualquier momento y lugar. Encontrá más información en: -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: