There is something wierd going on over here... I have a date field, datum, in mysql that I cast to a timestamp and check against time(). If the datum value is more than one day old the table finds a new random row and sets the datum field to CURDATE(). Now, this has worked for two years now, but today the script suddenly finds a new random row each time the script is run... I've notice this just after 11 pm today. As I can see from some debugging time() allways returns a higher value than the timestamp + 86400... Have I missed something in this script for the last couple of years or is there a bug somewhere? Could it have something to do with the fact that we turned the time back one hour last night? This is the code btw: function bibelvers($link_id, $color = "white") { $myBible = new Bible($link_id, "FB"); $myBible->set_delimiters("span","p","bibelversnum","text"); $vers_nr = ""; $vers_txt = ""; $reset = false; $q = "SELECT vers,textkod,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datum) as datum FROM dagensvers WHERE visad = 'NU'"; $result = mysql_query($q, $link_id); if (mysql_affected_rows($link_id) == 1) { $v = mysql_fetch_object($result); if (time() > ($v->datum + ONEDAY)) { mysql_free_result($result); $q = "SELECT vers,textkod FROM dagensvers WHERE visad = 'NEJ'"; $result = mysql_query($q, $link_id); $rows = mysql_affected_rows($link_id)-1; if ($rows >= 0) { mysql_data_seek($result, rand(0,$rows)); $v = mysql_fetch_object($result); $q = "UPDATE dagensvers SET visad = 'JA' WHERE visad = 'NU'"; mysql_query($q, $link_id); $q = "UPDATE dagensvers SET datum = CURDATE(), visad = 'NU' WHERE textkod = '".$v->textkod."'"; mysql_query($q, $link_id); } else { $reset = true; } } } else { $reset = true; } if ($reset) { $q = "UPDATE dagensvers SET visad = 'NEJ' WHERE visad = 'JA'"; mysql_query($q, $link_id); $q = "SELECT vers,textkod FROM dagensvers WHERE visad = 'NEJ'"; $result = mysql_query($q, $link_id); $rows = mysql_affected_rows($link_id)-1; mysql_data_seek($result, rand(0,$rows)); $v = mysql_fetch_object($result); $q = "UPDATE dagensvers SET visad = 'NEJ' WHERE visad = 'NU'"; mysql_query($q, $link_id); $q = "UPDATE dagensvers SET datum = CURDATE(), visad = 'NU' WHERE textkod = '".$v->textkod."'"; mysql_query($q, $link_id); } $vers_nr = $v->vers; $vers_txt = $v->textkod; $myBible->str_vers_format($vers_txt, false, false); $str = "<div class='rubb' style='width:300px;'>\n". "\t DAGENS BIBELVERS | ".$vers_nr."\n". "\t<div class='brod_s' id='".$color."' style='height:65px; overflow:auto;'>\n". "\t\t<div style='width:275px; margin:0px; padding:0px;'>". $vers_txt. "\t\t</div>\n". "\t</div>\n". "</div>\n"; return $str; }