Hi everybody,
I need any help I can get, anyone?1?! Please I am desperate!
Here is my code: function get_categories($moduleId=0) { $this->moduleId = $moduleId;
$query = 'SELECT categoryId, categoryParentId, translations.* FROM categories, translations WHERE categories.translationId=translations.translationId AND categories.categoryModuleId=\'6\' AND categories.categoryStatus=\'1\' AND translations.translationLanguage=\'pt-br\' GROUP BY categories.categoryId ORDER BY categories.categoryOrder';
if($this->framework->database->num_rows() > 0) { while ($this->framework->database->fetch_array()) { $this->categories[] = $this->framework->database->row; } } }
function get_category($categoryId='') { if($categoryId != '') { $t = count($this->categories); $i=0; while ($i<$t) { if($this->categories[$i]['categoryId'] == $categoryId) { foreach($this->categories[$i] as $var=>$val) { $category[$var] = $val; } $i = $t; } else { $i++; } } return $category; } }
function get_parent_categories($parentId='') { if($parentId != '') { $t = count($this->categories); $i=0; $c=0; while ($i<$t) { if($this->categories[$i]['categoryParentId'] == $parentId) { foreach($this->categories[$i] as $var=>$val) { $categories[$c][$var] = $val; } } $c++; $i++; } return $categories; }
function get_categories_tree($categoriesId='')
if($categoriesId != '' && is_array($categoriesId))
$t = count($categoriesId);
$c = $t;
for($i = $t; $i >= 1; $i--)
if(!eregi('.html',$categoriesId[$i]) && !eregi('.htm',$categoriesId[$i]) && eregi('[0-9]',$categoriesId[$i]))
$category[$c] = $this->get_category($categoriesId[$i]);
if($category[$c]['categoryParentId'] != '0')
$category[$c]['categoryParents'] = $this->get_parent_categories($category[$c]['categoryParentId']);
$t2 = count($category[$c]['categoryParents']);
$category[$c] = $this->get_different_categories($category[$c]['categoryParentId']);
It outputs: Array ( [6] => Array ( [categoryId] => 3 [categoryParentId] => 2 [translationId] => 123456789 [translationLanguage] => pt-br [field01] => Casa [field02] => [field03] => [field04] => [field05] => [field06] => [field07] => [field08] => [field09] => [field10] => [categoryParents] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [categoryId] => 3 [categoryParentId] => 2 [translationId] => 123456789 [translationLanguage] => pt-br [field01] => Casa [field02] => [field03] => [field04] => [field05] => [field06] => [field07] => [field08] => [field09] => [field10] => )
[5] => Array ( [categoryId] => 2 [categoryParentId] => 1 [translationId] => 123456789 [translationLanguage] => pt-br [field01] => Casa [field02] => [field03] => [field04] => [field05] => [field06] => [field07] => [field08] => [field09] => [field10] => [categoryParents] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [categoryId] => 2 [categoryParentId] => 1 [translationId] => 123456789 [translationLanguage] => pt-br [field01] => Casa [field02] => [field03] => [field04] => [field05] => [field06] => [field07] => [field08] => [field09] => [field10] => )
[4] => Array ( [categoryId] => 1 [categoryParentId] => 0 [translationId] => 123456789 [translationLanguage] => pt-br [field01] => Casa [field02] => [field03] => [field04] => [field05] => [field06] => [field07] => [field08] => [field09] => [field10] => )
[3] => Array ( [categoryId] => 1 [categoryParentId] => 0 [translationId] => 123456789 [translationLanguage] => pt-br [field01] => Casa [field02] => [field03] => [field04] => [field05] => [field06] => [field07] => [field08] => [field09] => [field10] => )
Many thanks, Bruno B B Magalhaes
On Oct 20, 2004, at 12:30 PM, Bobo Wieland wrote:
this is some code i've written once that gets all supercategories from a mysql db... Take it as it is... It prints out a html-string of links like this:
Category : sub_cat1 : sub_cat2 : sub_cat3.
Maybe you can figure it out... it takes the current id (in your example catId13) as a parameter and goes up to the root...
function catPathRec($id, $show_lnk = false, $rtn_val="") {
global $link_id;
$katname = strtoupper(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT kat_namn AS kat FROM text_kat WHERE id = ".$id, $link_id), "kat"));
$hid = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT h_id AS hkat FROM text_kat WHERE id = ".$id, $link_id), "hkat");
if ($rtn_val == "") {
if ($show_lnk) { return ($hid == 0) ? ("<a href='text.php?action=kat&kat_id=".$id."' style='font-weight:normal;' onfocus='this.blur()'>".$katname."</a>") : (catPathRec($hid, $show_lnk, " : <a href='text.php?action=kat&kat_id=".$id."' style='font-weight:normal;' onfocus='this.blur()'>".$katname."</a>")); }
else { return ($hid == 0) ? ($katname) : (catPathRec($hid, $show_lnk, " : ".$katname)); }
else if ($hid != 0) { return catPathRec($hid, $show_lnk, " : <a href='text.php?action=kat&kat_id=".$id."' style='font-weight:normal;' onfocus='this.blur()'>".$katname."</a>".$rtn_val); }
return "<a href='text.php?action=kat&kat_id=".$id."' style='font-weight:normal;' onfocus='this.blur()'>".$katname."</a>".$rtn_val."\n";
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bruno B B Magalhães" <brunobbm@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "php-db" <php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:47 AM
Subject: Reverse (or backward?) Infinity Loop
Hi guys,
I have a normal categories table:
catId catParentId catName catStatus
But I want when a user enters on:
http://hostname/site/products/catId1/catId7/catId13/../../ contentId.html
A listing should apear like that:
• Category 1 • Category 7 • Category 13 • Category 2 • Category 3 • Category 4 • Category 5
A reverse (or backward) loop! We need to get the last category and then follow the ParentId until the 0 ParentId. Have anybody made this before (I hope so)?
Many Thanks, Bruno B B Magalhaes
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