Re: Transactions - working but unsure about steps

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El Sáb 16 Oct 2004 11:36, Stuart Felenstein escribió:
> I think you are adding a conditonal /validaton
> statement as the constraint ? More then x characters
> will generate an error.

I was tryiong to generate a validation that would fail with certain inserts 
(or modification of a register). Using more then 25 characters in the second 
field would yield the same result.

> My understaning is an error in mysql transaction will
> rollback should rollback the entire set of
> transactions.

Thats how transactional databases work (in a theorical way, but also practical 
in most cases).

> error handling for each statement- values will be
> coming from user input into form, my validations will
> be in the form.
> I've also thought about checking for effected rows and
> then if == 0 , stopping the transaction, but that
> seems redundant to what I believe is the way mysql
> transactions should work.

Why don't you try using PEAR::DB, set autocommit to false and work like this:

// supose $db is a database objet which already has a conection made

$db->query("INSERT INTO ...");
$db->query("INSERT INTO ...");
$db->query("INSERT INTO ...");


That should work, if the database is transactional.

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Martín Marqués        | select 'mmarques' || '@' || ''
Centro de Telematica  |  DBA, Programador, Administrador
             Universidad Nacional
                  del Litoral

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