$c is a field in an array I have loaded in from a text file. For some reason, none of the conditionals branch off and I end up printing out error messages for every row in the text file. My brackets are balanced, I just didn't include the bottom part: If ($c==9) { If($fieldarray[3]=="P") { $reject=validate($fieldarray[0],$c,$connectionSDWIS, $fieldarray[$c],$c); This If statement runs even if $reject = "YES". Can't figure out why: if ($reject=="NO") { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //loop through the rows in the this text file checking for Original ID of Repeat ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $handle2 = fopen ($uploadfileandpath,"r"); while ($field2array = fgetcsv ($handle2, $userfile_size, ",")) { If($field2array[2]!=$fieldarray[$c]) { echo "<br>Field 2 of array 2 text row: ".$field2array[2]."<br>"; echo "<br>Field 9 of array 1 text row: ".$fieldarray[$c]."<br>"; $acceptOrReject = "R"; $displayrows.="<font color=red><b>See below: Original Sample ID for Repeat does not exist : ".$fieldarray[$c]."</b></font><br>"; } } //end of while loop fclose($handle2); }//end of If($reject =="No") --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish.