See interspersed: --- Bastien Koert <bastien_k@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi Stu > > 1. why not check it on every page, then if it fails > the user won't need to > make it to the end and then have to go back to the > beginning to fix > something minor. > > 2. You could use hidden fields to pass the data back > and for or just use a > session, otherwise the variables expire on that page I think I'm stuck on sessions now :) . So if there were 3 pages and then a final 4th page where the transactions to the database take place - without passing the session variables around , they will still be available on the 4th page ? 3 - Now I've run into an error: Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/lurkkcom/public_html/Multi2Return.php:2) in /home/lurkkcom/public_html/Multi2Return.php on line 3 Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/lurkkcom/public_html/Multi2Return.php:2) in /home/lurkkcom/public_html/Multi2Return.php on line 3 On first page: I have session_start(); And on "Multi2Return.php" I have session_start(); I thought to continue session you need to put the session_start function on each page. If I remove though , I get nothing. Stuart -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: