Re: Recursively determine parent records?

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has a guide on how to do the same thing but in a single SQL query, without looping at all. It is very interesting reading and requires a slight restructuring of how the records are stored to pull off but with the wonderful result in being much faster to retrieve.

Chris Gregors wrote:
Here's a piece of some code I wrote that does what you want. You'll need
to change the WhoIsMyParent() function to match your database
abstraction and schema.

$array = BreadCrumbs($id);

function BreadCrumbs($parent) {
	// construct an array of indexes that represents the path back
to the
	// root from my current location in the tree.
	$PathStack = array();
	$MyParent = WhoIsMyParent($parent);
	while ($MyParent != 0) {			// 0 = top of
the tree
		$PathStack[] = $MyParent;
		$MyParent = WhoIsMyParent($MyParent);
	$PathStack = array_reverse($PathStack);
	return $PathStack;

function WhoIsMyParent($id) {
	$row=FetchRow(QueryDb("select parent from sometable where
	if ($row == NULL) return 0;
	return $row['parent'];

-----Original Message-----
From: Murray @ PlanetThoughtful [mailto:lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 11:58 PM
To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:  Recursively determine parent records?

Hi All,

I have recordset that contains a hierarchical representation of records
where a record's [parentid] field contains the recid of the record
the current record.

A representation might look like this:

Recid, parentid, title

1, 0, Top level record

2, 0, Another top level record

3, 1, A record under the top level record

4, 3, Another level

5, 2, A record under the second top level record

If I have currently retrieved the record with recid of 4, I want to work
the 'chain' of records that lead back to the top level record it has
created under.

In this instance, that chain would look like:

4, 3, Another level

3, 1, A record under the top level record

1, 0, Top level record

I'm wondering if anyone can help me work out how to achieve this?

Many thanks in advance!

Much warmth,



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