kkoehler@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I'm trying to write text to a BLOB. I got a valid return code but it did not write the BLOB.
> I was able to use similar code writing to a CLOB. Any examples I've seen for BLOBs are reading
> from Binary files. Here's how I did the CLOB, but it would not work for BLOB. Is this a bug in PHP?
$query = "insert into " . getSchema() . "attf_description " .
"(id, narticid, nordertoprint, vheadertoprint, cldescription ) " .
" values(" .
$id . ", " . $articid . ", " . $ordertoprint . ",'" . $headertoprint . "', EMPTY_CLOB()) "
$parsed = ociparse($connection,$query);
$clob = OCINewDescriptor($connection, OCI_D_LOB);
$bind = OCIBindByName($parsed, $clob_name, $clob, -1, OCI_B_CLOB);
ociexecute($parsed, OCI_DEFAULT);
$err = $clob->save($clob_data);
$committed = ocicommit($connection, OCI_DEFAULT);
OCIFreeStatement( $parsed );
BLOB and CLOB handling is similar. Without knowing your failing code
I cannot tell what your problem is
There is a working BLOB example at:
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