I am trying to track the users that visit one page on a site. I am having a
couple of problems. The time seems to be 5 hours off. I do not have any
tables as of yet what I would like to do is only count an ip address as one
in a 24 hour period, if more than one visit then update visit count.I have
played around with the time using date() and localtime(). Here is what I
have sofar.
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
$_SESSION['ip_address'] = $IP;
$_SESSION['user_agent'] = $Browser;
$_SESSION['host_name'] = $Host;
$_SESSION['visit_time'] = $now;
$now = localtime();
$now = $now[2] . ":" . $now[1] . ":" . $now[0];
$IP = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);
$Host = getHostByName($IP);
How about showing some actual code and giving details on what doesn't work? This code doesn't make sense, as you're calculating $now, $IP, etc after you've assigned them to the session...
Basic debugging steps: start printing out variables and ensuring they have a value and it's what you think it should be. Print out your queries before you execute them to look for obvious errors. Turn register_globals OFF.
I have not setup tables yet but I think I will use this:[snip]
time varchar(10) nul
This should be a DATETIME or TIMESTAMP field.
Once all done how can I properly clean up the session. I have tried the following bur get an error
I tried this with a link to another page and got this error:
Warning: session_destroy(): Trying to destroy uninitialized session in /home/content/html/killtest.php on line 5
$_SESSION = array();
will clear the session. If you unset() it, I don't think it's written at the end of the script, so your data remains. session_destroy() then probably fails because $_SESSION is gone or you never called session_start() on the page.
---John Holmes...
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