We'll I've got a query based on mysql_fetch_object to show the results of the previous search and print them out in tables. Then I got the the $grid idea for printing an array in a horizontally columned table from the book php cookbook from o'reilly (quite useful) then I print it all insed the grid, but when it is supposed to send the selected objects with a checkbox to the next page. It doesn't while everything works just fine without the grid. #sigh# I've tried to see what's the grid doing to my checkboxes that i the end they don't send anything at all bu i cant see what. Does anyone? ... while ($inb = mysql_fetch_object($resultInfs)) { //trying to put it right --- values --- if (!empty($inb->pix)) $ipix="<img src='$inb->pix' width='200'><br>"; } else { $ipix="<img src='notaval.gif' width='200'><br>"; } if (!empty($inb->infType)) { $ity="$inb->infType,<br>"; } if (!empty($inb->infName)) { $inm="$inb->infName<br>"; } if (!empty($inb->infRef)) { $irf="$inb->infRef<br>"; } if (!empty($inb->infMeas)) { $ims="$inb->infMeas<br>"; } if (!empty($inb->infSerial)) { $isr="<strong>SERIAL N°: $inb->infSerial</strong><br>"; } if (!empty($inb->infDescription)) { $ids="DETAILS: $inb->infDescription,<br>"; } if (!empty($inb->infArtw)) { $irt="$inb->infArtw,<br>"; } if (!empty($inb->infCover)) { $irc="$inb->infCover,<br>"; } // T.T $value deosn't go as $_POST for orderdata.php!!! $value = $inb->infID; //for function, hope as objects $infs[ ] = $ipix.' '.$ity.' '.$inm.' '.$irf.' '.$ims.' '.$isr.' '.$ids.' '.$irt.' '.$irc.' '.$value; } ///changes to function from phpckbk function grid_horizontal($array, $size) { // compute <td> width %ages $table_width = 100; $width = intval($table_width / $size); $grid = "<table width=\"$table_width%\" border=\"1\" bordercolor=\"#0000FF\"><form action=\"orderdata.php\" method=\"POST\" name=\"details\">$tr"; // define how our <tr> and <td> tags appear // sprintf() requires us to use %% to get literal % $tr = '<tr align="center">'; $td = "<td width=\"$width%%\">%s<input name=\"$value\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"$value\">Add to Cart!</td>"; // open table // loop through entries and display in rows of size $sized // $i keeps track of when we need a new table tow $i = 0; foreach ($array as $e) { $grid .= sprintf($td, $e); $i++; // end of a row // close it up and open a new one if (!($i % $size)) { $grid .= "</tr>$tr"; } } // pad out remaining cells with blanks while ($i % $size) { $grid .= sprintf($td, ' '); $i++; } // add </tr>, if necessary $end_tr_len = strlen($tr) * -1; if (substr($grid, $end_tr_len) != $tr) { $grid .= '</tr>'; } else { $grid = substr($grid, 0, $end_tr_len); } // close table $grid .= '<input name="submit" type="submit" value="ORDER"></form></table>'; return $grid; } //final results printing $grid = grid_horizontal($infs, 3); print $grid; If the grid can not work with a sending to another php (that is with my checkboxes, how could i print them ordered then? --------------------------------- Créez gratuitement votre Yahoo! Mail avec 100 Mo de stockage ! Créez votre Yahoo! Mail Le nouveau Yahoo! Messenger est arrivé ! Découvrez toutes les nouveautés pour dialoguer instantanément avec vos amis.Téléchargez GRATUITEMENT ici !