Also, I am adding this time the source code down below which I should have probably done last time around.
Any help is much appreciated, Ben.
Hello guys,
I have an HTML form with the action attribute set to the famous and it works beautifully. However, I also want to insert the data into a MySQL database.
Initially, I thought that I would let FormMail validate the data, send
the email, and then redirect to a PHP script that would use the $_POST
array to INSERT it into my db [see source below]. Of course, it didn't work. AFAICT, both
the FormMail script and the PHP script need to be called from the form's
action attribute.
1 - Is there a way to call them both?
From lurking around and reading tutorials, I understand that it is possible to send emails with PHP and that I don't need to use FormMail at all. However, I have been told that FormMail is a relatively "safe script" that won't let hackers exploit either the server or myself. I am not quite sure what such exploits might be, but I trust that the hackers are...
2 - If I am to drop FormMail, what PHP script should I use to protect my, and the server's, security?
Which brings us to the next point: the PHP script that I currently use is very straightforward ([see below]) and the subuser has only INSERT privileges.
3 - Am I putting anything (db, server) in a danger with this script?
Cheers, Ben
[HTML Form]
<form method="post" action=""; />
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value=""; />
<input type="hidden" name="required" value="realname" />
<p>Name: <input type="text" name="realname" size="35" /></p>
$name = $_POST['realname'];
mysql_connect("localhost", "subuser", "password")or die("ERROR: ".mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("my_db")or die("ERROR: ".mysql_error());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `my_table` (`id`, `name`) VALUES ('','$realname')");
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