Hello Mitch, 1) Have you tried doing "SHOW SOURCE" in your browser? 2) Take a look at: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.error-reporting.php Good luck! M> Here is the basic scenario: M> - Configuration data is gathered from Oracle servers then ftp'd to my M> apache / mysql server. M> - The apache / mysql server receives the datafile from the Oracle M> clients and loads the data into a MySQL database. M> - The webpages are coded using PHP, SQL, and some JavaScript. M> Now here is where it gets weird.... M> - When the data is displayed (pages are based upon the configuration M> of each Oracle <server-name>+<database-instance-name>, some times the M> data displays other times the page is simply blank? It is only for a M> few out of the many that we have in the MySQL database. It is always M> the same ones with the problem. Re-loading the data for those problem M> <server-name>+<database-instance-name> does not fix it. M> Anyone see this before? Could it be a special character that the web M> browser cannot handle? I am at a loss on this one. M> Any advice on the problem and how to trouble shoot would be M> appreciated! Mitch -- Best regards, Pablo -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php