"John W. Holmes" <holmes072000@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:012d01c47af8$7250ea00$e95a089b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > From: "Vincent Jordan" <vjordan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > > > Im having a problem inserting data. Ive looked over this again and again > and > > can not find what ive missed. Everything else works besides the db insert. > > It would have helped if you told us the error you got was "column count does > not match value count" or something similar... > > > $sql = "INSERT INTO rmarequest (firstname, lastname, address, address2, > > city, state, zip, phone, email, serial, product, reason, rmanumber)VALUES > > ('$firstname', '$lastname', '$address', '$city', '$state', '$zip', > '$phone', > > '$email', '$serial', '$product', '$reason', '$rmanumber') or die > > (mysql_error())"; > > You list 13 columns to insert into but only give 12 values. > Vincent, you can use the alternative INSERT syntax to avoid this problem in the future: INSERT INTO table SET column1 = '$value1', column2 = '$value2', column3 = '$value3', ... Regards, Torsten Roehr -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php