Hi Here's the senario... Table 1- members id - firstname - middlename - ....- country - region3 Fields country and region3 hold the integer codes for country and region3 is state Table 2- country id - countryname Countryname is where the actual Country name is stored and id is the country code Similarly Table 3 - region3 id - region3 where region3 is the state name and id is the region code. I want to query country code and state code in the database but the fields are integer values. I am trying to modify the following query, but I think it will not work for integers? Is that correct?? $keywords are the contry & state codes (integers). $query = " SELECT id, firstname, familyname, middlename, fathername, region3, region4, country, MATCH(country, region3, region4) AGAINST ('$keywords' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score FROM members WHERE MATCH(country, region3, region4) AGAINST ('$keywords' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY score DESC"; Thanks Harry