While we want to access any variable value we can write Print $_POST['VariableName'] But it we want to access value for an array variable then what we should write ? Like for $chk_arr[$i] How to access this value in some particular function ? Pls read the code if you are not able to get my point ..... if(isset($_POST['action'])&&$_POST['action']=="Check Feedback") { $query="select * from feedback"; $result=mysql_query($query) or die("Could not execute Query"); $total=mysql_numrows($result); ?> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="total" value=<?=$total?>> <?// Pass the hidden value if($total>0) { print $total; ?> <TABLE WIDTH="75%" BORDER="5" ALIGN="CENTER" BORDERCOLOR="#000000" bgcolor="#oo3399" > <TR BORDERCOLOR="#000000" BGCOLOR="#0099FF" border="0"> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#000000">Check it</DIV></font></TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#000000">Comment Type</font></DIV></TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#000000">Comment On</font></DIV></TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#000000">Comment</font></DIV></TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#000000">Name</font></DIV></TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#000000">E-mail</font></DIV></TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#000000">Phone</font></DIV></TD> </TR> <? for($i=0; $i<$total; $i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); ?> <TR BORDERCOLOR="#ffffff" BGCOLOR="#0099FF"> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"> <input type="checkbox" name="<? printf("chk_arr[%d]",$i); ?>" value="<?=$row[0]?>" ></DIV></TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#ffffff"><?=$row[1]?></font></DIV></TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#ffffff"><?=$row[2]?></font></DIV></TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#ffffff"><?=$row[3]?></font></DIV></TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#ffffff"><?=$row[4]?></font></DIV></TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#ffffff"><?=$row[5]?></font></DIV></TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><font color="#ffffff"><?=$row[6]?></font></DIV></TD> </TR> <? } print "</TABLE>"; ?> <table width="100%"> <tr align="center"> <td><div align="center"> <input type ="submit" name="submit" style="background-color: #003399;" style="color: #ffffff;" size="15" length="80" value="Delete" > </div> </td> </tr> </table> <? } } if($_POST['submit']=="Delete") { Delete_record(); } function Delete_record() { $query="select * from feedback"; $result=mysql_query($query) or die("Could not execute Query"); print $_POST['total']; for($i=0; $i<$_POST['total']; $i++) { if($_POST['chk_arr[$i]']!=='') print $_POST['chk_arr[$i]']; { $query="delete from feedback where id=$chk_arr[$i]"; $deleteresult=mysql_query($query) or die("Unable to delete". mysql_error(); print $query; }//if statement }//for loop }//Main function Delete_record Here I am not able to delete records as I am not getting value for $chk_arr[$i]. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.