ok... this still does not do what you want, because it does not consider
that only digits should be between the letters... here is the correct
// dies
$password = 'alfgoesswimming';
// dies too
$password = 'a2lf4g2o4e7s9s3w9i0m5m7i0n3g';
// survives
$password = 'a2$5l5f4g2o4e7s9s3w9i0m5m7i0n3g';
$found = array();
$pattern = '#[^0-9]{2}#i';
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $password, $found)>0) {
die('You must have a number between 2 letters in your password ... 0-9');
} else {
die('password accepted');
hth greez ma
Matthias Steinböck wrote:
is this correct: you want to check if there are two letters in the
password wich do not surround a digit? if so this is what you need:
// dies
$password = 'alfgoesswimming';
// dies too
$password = 'a2lf4g2o4e7s9s3w9i0m5m7i0n3g';
// survives
$password = 'a2l5f4g2o4e7s9s3w9i0m5m7i0n3g';
$found = array();
$pattern = '#[a-z_]{2}#i';
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $password, $found)>0) {
die('You must have a number between 2 letters in your password ...
} else {
die('password accepted');
greez ma
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