Hi, I am trying to do the following: Retrieve some information from a table, edit it by appending some further information to it (a few more fields) and then enter the new data record into a new table, and delete the old data in the original table. Sounds confusing I know. The code is below (I apologise for its poor style etc as I am very new to php), but when I click on the 'Enter Information' button, nothing happens. The existing data is retrieved without any problems and I can select it using the radio button. But when I try and add data to the new fields ('option_close_price' and 'notes'), nothing happens. Any help appreciated. <form action="<? echo $PHP_SELF ?>" method="post"> <? mysql_pconnect("localhost","root","password"); mysql_select_db("options"); if(!$cmd) { $result = mysql_query("select * from open_trades"); while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $open_date=$r["open_date"]; $share=$r["share"]; $code=$r["code"]; $short_long_trade=$r["short_long_trade"]; $id=$r["id"]; $expiry=$r["expiry"]; $exercise=$r["excercise"]; $option_price=$r["option_price"]; $no_purchased=$r["no_purchased"]; $no_sold=$r["no_sold"]; $income_in=$r["income_in"]; $income_out=$r["income_out"]; print "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; print "<td></td><td>Open Date</td><td>Share</td><td>Code</td><td>Short or<br> Long Trade</td><td>Expiry</td><td>Excercise</td><td>Option Price</td><td>Number<br> Purchased</td><td>Number Sold</td><td>Income In</td><td>Income Out</td><td> </tr>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print "<tr><td>"; print "<INPUT TYPE='RADIO' NAME='id' VALUE='echo $id'>"; print "</td><td>"; print $row["open_date"]; print "</td><td>"; print $row["share"]; print "</td><td>"; print $row["code"]; print "</td><td>"; print $row["short_long_trade"]; print "</td><td>"; print $row["expiry"]; print "</td><td>"; print $row["excercise"]; print "</td><td>"; print $row["option_price"]; print "</td><td>"; print $row["no_purchased"]; print "</td><td>"; print $row["no_sold"]; print "</td><td>"; print $row["income_in"]; print "</td><td>"; print $row["income_out"]; print "</td></tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; ?> <? }?> <input type="submit" name="cmd" value="Close"></form> <? } ?> <? if($cmd=="Close") { if (!$submit) { $result = mysql_query("select * from open_trades"); while($myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result)) ?> <input type=hidden name="id" value="<?php echo $myrow["id"] ?>"> Option Close Price<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="option_close_price" VALUE="<?PHP echo $myrow["option_close_price"]?>" SIZE=7 ><br> Notes:<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="notes" VALUE="<?php echo $myrow["notes"] ?>" SIZE=60><br> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="edit"> <input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Enter information"> </form> <? } ?> <? if($submit) { $query = "INSERT INTO closed_trades SET code='$code', option_price='$option_price', option_close_price='$option_close_price', no_sold='$no_sold', open_date='$open_date', short_long_trade='$short_long_trade, share='$share', expiry='$expiry', excercise='$excercise', no_purchased='$no_purchased', income_in='$income_in', income_out='$income_out', notes='$notes', id=$id'"; $result = mysql_query($ql); $query = "DELETE FROM open_trades WHERE id=$id"; $result = mysql_query($sql); echo "Thank you! Information updated."; } } ?> </td> </table>