Hello all, I have recently been working with OCI and when I use OCILogon [wethere with example scripts or my own code] I get a "PAge cannot be displayed" (like DNS error) when I naviagte to the page. When I comment out the OCILogon part it works great exept for the oracle part. I am able to accesss the database from Perl, the built in SQL*PLUS and other languages.- The only problem is this. I have to have this working by friday morning and I cannot risk not mailing this alias; so please any help is greatly appreciated!! Here are my code snippets: dbconnection.php <?php class OracleConnection { var $CONN = ""; var $IPADD = "*.*.*.*"; var $USER = "****"; var $PASS = "********"; var $SID = "****"; function fatal_error($text) { $maillink = '<a href="mailto:cmorris@xxxxxxxxxx">network administrator</a>'; echo "<b>Fatal Error. </b><br>"; echo "[$text] ( 0 : 0 ) <br>"; echo $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; echo "<br>"; echo "ORACLE_SID: ".getenv("ORACLE_SID")."<BR>ORACLE_HOME: ".getenv("ORACLE_HOME"."<BR>"; $error = OCIError(); if ($error["offset"]) { $sqltext = substr ($error["sqltext"], 0, $error["offset"]) . '*' . substr ($err ($error["sqltext"], $error["offset"]); } else {$sqltext = "No OCI error.";} echo $sqltext; echo "<BR>Contact the $maillink with this message.\n"; exit; function init() { putenv("ORACLE_SID=PROJ"); putenv("ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle9"); $ipadd = $this->IPADD; $user = $this->USER; $pass = $this->PASS; // $dbase = $this->DBASE; // $dbase = $DBAC_BEGIN . $DBAC_PROTO . $DBAC_HOST . $DBAC_PORT . "))" . $DBAC_COTD . ")"; $dbase = "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS =(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = 128.*.*.*)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=PROJ)))"; // use for PHP 5.0 and greater // $conn = oci_connect($user, $pass, $dbase) || $this->fatal_error("Connection could not be established with server [$ipadd]"); // use for PHP 4.91 and lower $conn = ociplogon($user, $pass, $dbase) || $this->fatal_error("Connection could not be established with server [$ipadd]"); $this->CONN = $conn || $this->fatal_error("Connection could not be stabalized, unable to continue."); return true; } //end class: 'OracleConnection' } --eof-- Also, could someone please send me a working example of using variables appended to text with "array()"? I am a long time experienced perl programmer and I have tried using the . operatore a + but no luck. Thanks everyone!!! Please excuse types, typing on a 14.4 connection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Morris cmorris@xxxxxxxxxx CS Systems Group Old Dominion University http://www.cs.odu.edu/~cmorris http://www.cs.odu.edu/cspage/systemstaff.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 The only secure computer is one that's unplugged, locked in a safe, and buried 20 feet under the ground in a secret location... and i'm not even too sure about that one"--Dennis Huges, FBI. -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php