Hi All,
After having been talking to lots of people in irc lately who are haveing problems with SQL injection etc i think that haveing a *_queryf() function would be really useful to help people esp when it comes to integers and the id=$id where $id = "1 OR" and name='$name' where $name = "name' OR" issues for example.
Most of the sprintf formatting would take care of itself but any %s would automatically have addslashes() applied.
I have a php implementation below for the mysql database.
Let me know what you think or if i have missed anything.
/* ~ * MySQL queryf() function example. ~ */
define('DEBUG', true);
// usage: // mysql_queryf($query, $link_identifier = NULL, $arg1, $arg2....$argN);
function mysql_queryf() { ~ $args = func_get_args(); ~ if(!isset($args[0]) || !(is_null($args[1]) || is_resource($args[1]) ) ){ ~ return false; ~ }
~ $formatString = array_shift($args); ~ $linkIdentifier = array_shift($args);
~ $parts = preg_split('/%([ 0]|\'.)?-?[0-9]*(\\.[0-9]*)*[%abcdufosxX]/', $formatString, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE); ~ $newString = ""; ~ for($i = 0; $i < count($parts); $i++){ ~ $start = $parts[$i][1] + strlen($parts[$i][0]); ~ if(isset($parts[$i + 1][1])){ ~ $length = $parts[$i + 1][1] - $start; ~ }else{ ~ $length = strlen($formatString) - $start; ~ } ~ $formatCode = substr($formatString, $start, $length); ~ $newString .= $parts[$i][0].sprintf($formatCode, (isset($args[$i]) ? ((substr($formatCode, -1, 1) == 's') ? addslashes($args[$i]) : $args[$i]) : NULL)); ~ } ~ if(DEBUG === true){ ~ print("Query is:\n".$newString."\n"); ~ }else{ ~ if(is_resource($linkIdentifier)){ ~ return mysql_query($newString, $linkIdentifier); ~ }else{ ~ return mysql_query($newString); ~ } ~ } }
mysql_queryf('SELECT * FROM blah WHERE id=%d AND name=\'%\'.-34s\' AND account=\'%0.2f\' AND blah=%06d AND value > \'30%%\'', NULL, '1 OR', 'name\'s');
Query is: SELECT * FROM blah WHERE id=1 AND name='name\'s...........................' AND account='0.00' AND blah=000000 AND value > '30%'
- -- Regards, William Bailey. Pro-Net Internet Services Ltd. http://www.pro-net.co.uk/
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