One is to store the entire string "<a href='mailto:me@xxxxxxxx'>" in your field. The other is to just store the field, but concat the string together when you echo/print it. i.e.,:
print "<a href='mailto:$recordset[email]'>";
Phpdiscuss - Php Newsgroups And Mailing Lists wrote:
Hello, I have a page displaying the results of a query from a mysql database. The final field displayed is an email address (in text datatype from the table). How can I create the email address in the field as a hyperlink to the email address? Since my query loops through the database and displayes a "row" per row in the db.
EX: Field 1 Field 2 EmailAddress Test Test me@xxxxxxxx
In the email address field, the address shows up as text, how can I create that as a mailto:me@xxxxxxxx (or whatever the email address is).
Thank you Terry
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