Hi! But you can replace all information about user on for ex. 'User real name'=>'Deleted' Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 6:34:36 PM, -{ wrote: RB> The problem with this is legal issues. According to Danish law, you're not RB> permitted to save a person's details for more than a certain amount of time RB> after their account has been cancelled/discontinued. The amount of time is 6 RB> months to 2 years, depending on what kinda details we're talking about (I RB> haven't checked what would apply to my situation, but it goes for any kind RB> of business, service, or organization that uses user registration and RB> storage of personal details)... -- Best regards, Mikhail U. Petrov mailto:mikhail@xxxxxxxx -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php