My understanding is include_once() called several times in the same page or include files will only be included once. > Curious about "include_once" versus "include". > > All my connection stuff is in "conn.php3". > > I am planning on including it at the top of the page like this: > include_once "conn.php3"; > > Now will that speed things up compared to just using a plain "include". I > call $connectionSDWIS(which is in the include) 5 different times? > > $data = odbc_do($connectionSDWIS,"EXEC sp_SanitarySurveyLatest '$pwsno'"); > $data = odbc_do($connectionSDWIS, "Select Distinct CASE ActivityStatus > WHEN 'A' THEN 'ACTIVE' WHEN 'I' THEN 'INACTIVE' END + ' ' + CASE > Convert(varchar,ActDate,107) WHEN 'May 05, 1955' THEN '' ELSE > Convert(varchar,ActDate,107) END As 'ActivityStatus' FROM Inventory Where > PWSID='$pwsno'"); > $data2 = odbc_do($connectionSDWIS,"Exec sp_EntryPointsWithSourcesAndPWS > '$pwsno'"); > $data=odbc_do($connectionSDWIS,"SELECT StateID, WSFName, TreatmentProcess, > TreatmentObjective FROM Treatments WHERE PWS= '$pwsno' ORDER BY StateID"); > $data = odbc_do($connectionSDWIS, "SELECT CalendarYear, > convert(varchar(12),ReceivedDate, 107), convert(varchar(12),CertifiedDate, > 107) FROM CCRS WHERE PWS='$pwsno' ORDER BY CalendarYear Desc"); -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: