RE: MySQL category tree db sorting

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Remember that this is my first script, but here's how I extracted and
associated category hierarchies:

include 'c:\apache2\adodb\adodb\';
$ADODB_CACHE_DIR = 'c:\apache2\adodb\adodb-cache';
$db = &ADONewConnection( 'mysql' );
$db -> Connect( 'localhost', 'root', 'mysql', 'reach');

$sql_cats = "SELECT cat_id, cat_title FROM phpbb_categories ORDER BY
$sql_fora = "SELECT forum_id, cat_id, forum_name FROM phpbb_forums ORDER BY
$sql_topics = "SELECT forum_id, topic_id, topic_title FROM phpbb_topics
ORDER BY forum_id";

$db -> SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC );
$rs_cats = &$db -> Execute( $sql_cats );
$rs_fora = &$db -> Execute( $sql_fora );
$rs_topics = &$db -> Execute( $sql_topics );
$cat_id = "";
$forum_id = "";
$cats_inc = 1;
$fora_inc = 1;
$topics_inc = 1;

while( $cats_row = $rs_cats -> FetchNextObject() ) {
	$cat_id = $cats_row -> CAT_ID;
	print "<tr><td align='left'>" .
	"<input type='text' value='+ " . $cats_row -> CAT_TITLE . "' name='"
	$cats_row -> CAT_TITLE .
	"' readonly onclick='change_value( this,, this.value )' "

	$rs_fora -> MoveFirst();
	while( $fora_row = $rs_fora -> FetchNextObject() ) {
		if( $cat_id == $fora_row -> CAT_ID ) {
			$forum_id = $fora_row -> FORUM_ID;
			print "<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input
type='text' value='+ " .
			$fora_row -> FORUM_NAME . "' name='" . $fora_row ->
FORUM_NAME . "' readonly " .
			"onclick='change_value( this,, this.value
)' " .

		$rs_topics -> MoveFirst();
		while( $topics_row = $rs_topics -> FetchNextObject() ) {
			if(( $topics_row -> TOPIC_TITLE != "" ) && (
$forum_id == $topics_row -> FORUM_ID )){
"<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" .
				"<input type='text' value='=> " .
				$topics_row -> TOPIC_TITLE . "' name='" .
$topics_row -> TOPIC_TITLE . "' readonly " .
				"onclick='change_value( this,,
this.value )' " .
	print "</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";

I'm sure this can be refactored, but I don't know PHP well enough to
optimize it right now.


-----Original Message-----
From: John W. Holmes [mailto:holmes072000@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 11:42 AM
To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Age Bosma
Subject: Re:  MySQL category tree db sorting

From: "Age Bosma" <agebosma@xxxxxxx>

> I'm trying to work out what the most efficient way will be to get the
> complete tree structure from top to bottom of a category tree db.

Search the archives or Google for "nested sets". That's going to be the most
efficient database scheme to use. Any parent-child-relationship solution is
going to require a lot of queries when your "trees" get large.

I second the recommendation for "SQL for Smarties" by Joe Celko, too.
Excellent book.

---John Holmes...

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